How did we do today

1. Which of the Mondeau showrooms have you visited?

2. Did you have a pre-scheduled appointment?

3. What prompted your most recent visit to the Mondeau showroom?

4. Why did you visit the Mondeau showroom?

5. Please rate your level of agreement with these statements about the showroom personnel.

Neutral Somewhat
The staff greeted me warmly when I arrived
The staff was professional
The staff was knowledgeable about the showroom products
The staff was attentive to my needs
The staff was courteous and polite
The staff provided helpful suggestions
The staff let me take my time to shop without feeling rushed
The staff responded to my telephone calls and emails

6. Please rate your level of agreement with each of these statements about the store.

Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat
The products were attractively displayed
The showroom was well organized
The showroom was clean
The showroom had a good variety of products Information about the products (specifications, price, etc.) was easy to find
The hours of operation are convenient
I was able to find the product(s) that meet my needs
I received good value for the money I spent
My quotation was processed in a timely manner

7. Please tell us how likely you are to do each of the following

Very unlikely Somewhat unlikely Neutral Somewhat likely Very likely
Recommend Mondeau to family and friends
Make additional purchases at Mondeau

8. What can we do to improve your next visit to our showroom?

9. May we contact you regarding your comments?

10. My comments can be used by Mondeau as a testimonial for promotional purposes.*

11. If you wish to participate in a draw for a $250 gift certificate at Mondeau, please enter your information in the fields below.

The gift certificate may be used for future purchases at Mondeau, or may be transferred to family or a friend. The information gathered will be used solely for the draw and to contact you for customer satisfaction purposes.

I would like to receive information from Mondeau on topics that may be of interest to me, such as industry news, new products and promotions, and invitation to Mondeau events.