Let's get together.

Scheduling your appointment

Follow the link below to book your appointment or you call the showroom location of your choice.

**Please note the following

The MAIN BATHROOM can take between 45 minutes and two (2) hours.

FULL RENOVATION or NEW HOME can take between 2 and 4 hours depending on the complexity of your project.

YOU WILL NEVER BE RUSHED. We will take to the time needed to plan your dream project. That’s our promise to you

    Your appointment request will be confirmed by email

    Submission of this form does not mean that your appointment is confirmed. If you do not receive an e-mail from us to confirm your appointment
    please call us at 613.746.8560 x1446 at least 24 hours before your requested time.

    We thank you for choosing Mondeau.

    OTTAWA EAST  613.746.7072 | KANATA  613.831.6800 | GATINEAU  819.776.3153